Pregnancy is a precious phase in a woman’s life. Every pregnant couple must have access to authentic well-evidenced information to arm themselves well for a smooth journey through the nine months. Dr. Aruna Muralidhar along with her team in Fortis La Femme has been conducting parentcraft sessions regularly since the year 2017.
This comprehensive and interactive session aims to educate couples about many aspects of pregnancy so that you feel empowered with the right kind of knowledge. These sessions are a one-stop resource for all expecting couples.
What the session will cover?
- Diet and Nutrition (Dietician): What to eat during pregnancy for the optimum development of the baby and keeping the health of the mother in primary focus.
- General Pregnancy Information: A session which covers common pregnancy complaints and remedies, warning and danger signs, life style changes.
- Exercises: Naturally this forms an integral part of a healthy lifestyle and so it forms an extremely important part of your pregnancy. It can keep your aches and pains away and ease discomfort. At the same time, a prenatal exercise routine also prepares your body for labor.
- Breast Feeding (Lactation consultant): Initiation and long-term Breast Feeding, ideal feeding positions, common problems faced and remedies, breast v/s bottle and weaning is the focus of this session.
- Labour and Delivery: The birth preparation sessions will take you through the different types of deliveries, what to expect in a hospital scenario, how to identify pre-labour and labour signs and symptoms and when to go to the hospital. A discussion on common interventions like episiotomies and epidurals to help you make informed choices. Your spouse is your best labour support and we take both partners through the tips and tricks to ease labour pains, breathing exercises, labour positions and more.
- Post Natal Care & Recovery: The changes a woman’s body goes through during and post-child birth and how she can help herself recover after a vaginal or caesarean delivery.
Once a month Saturday afternoon from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm (now online)
First session- 12 weeks to 28 weeks
Second session- 28 weeks onwards
Please register to get the most out of your pregnancy.
Contact Mrs. Shwetha at the First floor OPD reception for registration and other details.